Liebe Dharma-Freunde,
uns erreichte eine Bitte um Unterstützung für das Stupa-Projekt in Cusco, dass vom Peru Drikung Kagyu Dharma Chakra Zentrum vor Ort realisiert werden soll. S.H., der Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang war im Sommer 2010 zu Besuch in Peru und hatte schon zwei Jahre zuvor den Bau einer Stupa empfohlen. Nun soll zunächst ein Grundstück in der Nähe des heiligen Piuray Sees erworben werden. Hierfür werden dringend Spenden benötigt.
Man kann an einer Lotterie teilnehmen, bei der man einen Aufenthalt für zwei Personen in Cusco gewinnen kann. Ein Los kostet US$ 33, also ca. 26 €. Die Bezahlung wird über PayPal abgewickelt. Nähere Infos unter:
Eine genauere Beschreibung des Projektes findet sich nachfolgend auf Englisch.
Cusco December 20, 2011
Dear Dharma Friends,
First of all, in the name of “Ratnashri Sangha del Cusco-Peru” we want to wish you meaningful New Year 2012. We are a small Drikung Center founded in 2002 by His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche; in 2008 His Holiness renamed our center as PERU DRIKUNG KAGYU DHARMA CHAKRA and told us to legalize our organization in the Peruvian law. The reason of this letter is to request IN OUR NAME, your kind support.
On February 19, 2008 His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche wrote us:
“…After sometimes I have good news for you. That, i found project of building stupa in South America. I think the best place is in Peru. I would like to build this stupa some way area located that way to Majupeju (Machupicchu). That many people can have audience. Perhaps in tourist place, main city or some where else. …Building a stupa there is many beneficial. Its mainly bring prosperity, harmony and peace particular in these regions”.
We have been looking for many lands, but here in Peru, especially in Cusco there are a lot of indigenous communities with community’s lands. It´s very difficult to find lands with individual property titles and those are very expensive. In this sense, after some time that His Holiness visited Cusco – Peru in July 2010, a project of purchase a land near a lake failed.
Then Holiness advised us that we should search near “the big lake”, the big lake is called Piuray, it´s a very ancient and revered lake surrounding by Inka archaeological sites and traditional indigenous communities. We haven´t been looking by this side because the people didn´t have property titles and we thought that for such a project of building a Stupa it was very risky. Then, unexpectedly we found out that last month one community near the “big lake” got property titles for first time after three years of process. Now after some years we think we found the right place. It´s on the way to Machupicchu, very close to Cusco, close to touristic place, with an amazing view of the snow range and nature, and the most important: close to the “big lake”. Also it has a route of access and the connections to water and electricity are close.
With the advice of the experienced German engineer that His Holiness asked to help in the construction of the Stupa and with the advice of the private secretary of His Holiness and following the wish to benefit many sentient beings and to accomplish the enlightened wishes of His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche in order to benefit countless sentient beings, we already made a private contract with the 2 owners.
We will buy in total 12509 square meters but we don´t have enough money to complete the total amount. His Holiness is in retreat and we understand that the most important now is His health. So we kindly request you for your generous support. We think that this is a unique opportunity since the lands here in Cusco are very expensive, and this area just got the property title 3 weeks ago. We think a lot of people, especially foreigners will buy these lands, now we think we still have risk because we didn´t pay the total amount. We request your economical help; it could be as a donation or as a loan. The total amount to pay just for the land, without taxes and lawyers is 137,599 US dollars. In this moment we gave already 20,000 US dollars and we need 117,599. Any help it´s very important for us.
According to our private contract, we only have two months from today on to collect all the rest of the money. In the case of your contribution, all the accounts will be very clearly report to you and to the Office of His Holiness. We understand the karmic results of cheat or fraud and we want to be clear that this request is IN OUR NAME.
We strongly pray that our motivation inspired by our enlightened masters and their teachings, would be pure, altruistic and sincere, in this way we thanks you for the time to read this letter and for your support.
Please, remember also that to help in this meritorious project will be very beneficial for all us, and the most important; this is a project from the enlightened vision of His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche. With our humble regards,
Veronika Tupayachi – President Peru Drikung Kagyu Dharma Chakra
Karina Zuñiga Alvarez – Secretary of Peru Drikung Kagyu Dharma Chakra
Alejandro Díaz Galarreta – Treasurer of Peru Drikung Kagyu Dharma Chakra
Lizbeth Escudero – Member