
Ausgabe 5/2020

Liebe Dharma-Freunde,

mittlerweile sind ein paar mehr Informationen zu der Online-Übertragung bekannt. Leider gab es ein Kommunikationsproblem bei der Erstellung des ersten Plakats. Es wird keine Einweihung, sondern eine Online-Übertragung mit gemeinsamer Praxis geben. Näher Informationen findet Ihr in dem nachfolgenden Anschreiben oder auch auf der ungarischen Seite.
Bitte entschuldigt die Verwirrung!

Herzliche Grüße und alles Gute

Dear people,

Many of you have asked: How can I join the online broadcast? Do I have to register?
  • There is no need for any registration!
  • If you would like to take part in the online empowerment, all you need to do is look for a quiet place in your home, calm yourself the same way as when we gather in the Meditation Room. Enter Zalaszántó Béke Sztúpa page on Facebook a few minutes before 11 am (CET). The broadcast starts at 11 am (CET). Watch it, do the exercises, be with us.
  • You can ask questions in the comments during the broadcast. After the empowerment and practise the Venerable Drupons may answer your questions if it is possible.
Many of you have asked: How can I donate or give my offerings? How much does the participation cost?
  • All events, teachings hosted in Milarepa Meditation Centre are always free.
  • We are truly grateful for any donation and offering and happy to receive them.
  • As we are not going to meet in person, you can send your donation to the bank account of our foundation:
    Buddhista Béke-Szentély Alapítvány
    Foreign currency Bank account: 12083600-00151597-00200008
    IBAN: HU90 12083600 00151597 00200008
Let's practise compassion together and wish that the hardship caused by the epidemic will come to an end soon!
Parnashavari transmission